Welcome new residents


Griffith City Council welcomes people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds as a valued part of our community.

Griffith is a diverse community with over 18% of our community born overseas. Griffith’s current population of around 27,000 is made up of a rich blend of cultures.

We’re very proud to be a supportive, vibrant community that welcomes new residents, migrants and refugees.

There are many local Community Groups, Services & Information in Griffith that may be of assistance including:

The Multicultural Council of Griffith Inc - Representative body for multicultural community of Griffith – Contact Carmel La Rocca 6964 4366 or 0412 811 343, email  multiculturalcouncilofgriffith@gmail.com

Centacare South West NSW – Provides Settlement and Engagement transition program for new migrants and refugees – Contact Tracey  Febo 6964 1447 or 0428 348 783, email fitzpatrickj@centacareswnsw.org.au

Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association (MDAA) – MDAA is the peak body for all people in NSW with disability and their families and carers, with a particular focus on those from a culturally and linguistically diverse / non English Speaking background with disability – Contact  6962 5399  or 0434 745 585, email griffith@mdaa.org.au

TAFE NSW Griffith  - TAFE NSW Griffith offers a an Adult Migrant English Program and other courses in fundamental english for speakers of other languages - Contact 6962 0444 or madison.coelli@tafensw.edu.au

Rural Australians for Refugees (RAR) - 
A grassroots movement for compassionate treatment of Australia's asylum seekers.
Members of the Rural Australians for Refugees want to see Australian government policy reflect the values of Australian society – fairness, respect, dignity and decency. They want human rights policy enshrined in law in order to protect the rights of people seeking asylum in this country. As members of a global community, RAR is driven by responsibilities to international law and to humanity.
Contact Will Mead E: rargriffith@gmail.com or to find out more: Rural Australians for Refugees

New Residents Kit – New Residents Welcome Guide 

More information on other helpful groups and services can be found in the Community Services Directory

Griffith City Council Websites