Plans of Management
Council must prepare Plans of Management (PoM) for all land that is classified as ‘Community Land’ within its ownership, care, control and/or management.
Current adopted Plans include:
- Village of Yenda Crown Reserves
- Scenic Hill Zone 1
- Scenic Hill Zone 2
- Scenic Hill Zone 3
- Small Village Sportsgrounds
- Campbell's Wetland
- Collina Precinct
- Community Services Precinct - Kookora & Benerembah Streets
- East Griffith Parks Precinct
- Hanwood Sports Precinct
- Hyandra Precinct
- Kookora Street Park
- Nericon Wetlands
- North Griffith Precinct
- Olympic Park Griffith
- Small Village Parks
- Ted Scobie Oval
- Tharbogang Wetland