Community Opinion Group Meetings

Community Opinion Group (COG) Meeting

The Community Opinion Group Meetings demonstrate Council's commitment to open and transparent consultation with our community.
Scheduled to take place four times per year, the location of the COG Meetings will alternate between Yoogali, Griffith, Yenda and Hanwood.
You are invited to come along and connect with Councillors and senior staff.

2025 COG meeting dates and venues will be advised in the coming months.

Submit your agenda item here

Past Meetings:

Download a list of action raised at past COG Meetings here.

You can subscribe to the COG Group to receive advice on Meeting details and calls for agenda items here


May 2023

  • Special Rate Variation
    Special Rate Variation

    Griffith City Council is seeking the community’s views on whether to apply to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for approval to raise ordinary (general) rates through a Special Rates Variation (SRV)

    Read more

January 2023

May 2021

Griffith City Council Websites