DA Submissions
If you would like to comment on a proposal, email or post a submission before the closing date, indicating the relevant development application number and address. If your submission is an objection, the reasons for your objection should be clearly given.Council officers assess development applications (DAs) against planning criteria in local planning controls and state legislation. Council's planning controls are available to view on our website. However, we would like to know about the issues that are important to you.
Council will send you a letter or email acknowledging receipt of your submission and will carefully consider it as part of the assessment.
Council will endeavour to restrict publication of your personal details on Council’s website, however, it is the responsibility of the person making the submission to ensure that the submission has appropriate content.
If amendments are made to the application before determination and Council officers consider these to be minor or to reduce impacts, you will not be re-notified. However, Council will contact you if significant changes are made to the current proposal.
If the DA is to be determined by Council, Council staff will contact people who made a submission to inform them of the meeting date once the agenda has been published.
Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month and the agenda for the meeting is normally made public on the Friday prior to the meeting date on Council’s website. The public is welcome to attend these meetings, which are held in the Council Chambers at 1 Benerembah St Griffith. Members of the public can book in to speak about a DA or other item on the agenda at Council meetings. If you wish to address Council you need to follow the instructions on the email/letter sent to you.
When a final decision is made about an application, we will inform all persons who made a submission about the outcome. For development proposals determined by Council, the minutes of meetings are available on our website.
The progress of a DA can be viewed on our DA Tracking facility. If you have queries regarding progress, phone 1300 176 077.
Should you make a submission, you must also make a public disclosure of any donation to a Councillor and/or gift to a Councillor or Council employee in the previous two years. Failure to disclose relevant information is an offence under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. It is also an offence to make a false statement.
To view the Development Applications currently under Notification, please click here: