Health Care Complaints Commission
Independent body dealing with complaints about health services or health care providers in NSW under the Health Care Complaints Act 1993. Health care providers can either be registered, like doctors or nurses, or unregistered, like acupuncturists, naturopaths, psychotherapists and others. The Commission also deals with complaints about hospitals, surgery centres and other health facilities.
The Health Care Complaints Commission acts to protect public health and safety by dealing with complaints about health service providers in NSW.
The Commission is an independent body that was established under the Health Care Complaints Act. The Act defines the scope of the Commission's work, which is to:
receive and assess complaints relating to health service providers in NSW
resolve or assist in the resolution of complaints
investigate serious complaints that raise questions of public health and safety
prosecute serious complaints.
The Commission is committed to acting fairly to all parties involved in a complaint. The Commission's Code of Practice sets out what people can expect from the Commission.