Griffith Post School Options Inc
Monday - Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm
Supporting people of all ages with Intellectual & Physical Disabilities
GPSO was established in 1993 to support young people with a disability to make the transition from school to community life. GPSO is a disability service provider supporting people of all ages with intellectual and physical disabilities. GPSO strives to assist individuals with a disability to achieve their full potential, enabling each person to reach their standard of quality of life whilst also becoming a valued community member. We aim to support each individual to become independent by supporting them to access all services and information available in the community, encouraging and assisting in the making of informed and individual choices. Continued education is a priority and gives service users the opportunity to build on existing skills and acquire new ones.
We provide the following programs and services:
Transition to Work (TTW):
This program aims to achieve employment for young people with a disability aged 18 and over. This program supports participants to develop the skills and qualifications needed to successfully secure and sustain employment. the program requires the individual to participate for 18 hours per week over two years.
Community Participation (CP):
This program aims to assist people aged 18 and over to develop the skills they need to work toward and achieve personal goals, to increase their independence and to participate as valued and active members of the community.
Life Choices (LC):
The Life Choices program provides flexible day programs and activities and assists participants to reach personal goals. It provides support for longer term planning for adults with a disability.
Active Ageing (AA):
Participants in the Active Ageing program must be aged between 55 and 64 years (or between 45 and 64 with early onset ageing), be Aboriginal and aged between 40 and 64 years with early onset ageing or requiring specialised service provision, and have an intellectual, psychiatric, physical or sensory disability.
Supported Living fund (SLF):
SLF is suitable for adults aged between 18-64 with a disability as defined by the NSW Disability Services Act 1993 and, as for all programs, must met eligibility criteria.
We provide a brokerage respite service for eligible service users, family and carers.
Eligibility Criteria
Over 18 years