Dorothy Waide Centre for Early Learning (Griffith Child Care Centre Inc)
Monday - Friday 7am - 6pm (excluding public holidays)
Dorothy Waide Centre for Early Learning is Early Childhood Service proving extended hours care and education for children birth to five years. It is managed by the Griffith Child Care Centre Inc, a not for profit community based Early Childhood Provider.
Our aim is to provide the best early childhood experience for both the child and the family, through an early childhood program that has the child at the centre of planning and provisions, where their interests and needs are central to the educators thinking and application.
The Centre has a fully qualified educator team, lead by university qualified Early Childhood Teachers. It has a high staff to child ratio across all playrooms, exceeding the National Regulations.
Its environments are large, natural and offer children some of the best places to engage with the natural world, test their skills and to engage with peers and adults. Its play spaces are fully resourced and feature some the latest educational tools and environments.
This Centre and its team feature in a number of national early childhood educational resources including video and text.
Dorothy Waide Centre is partnered with University of Wollongong Early Start Project as one 41 Engagement Centres. Early Start is a world first program and the Engagement Centres will be helping to inform and pioneer innovation in the early years and translate research into practice.
Generous Fee support is available of eligible families. To find our about enrolling your child at our service please visit our website or contact us by phone or email.
Quality Rating under National Quality Standard : Exceeding