Griffith Community Centre Inc
Monday - Friday 9.00m - 5.00pm
Information, option & referral service, community development & support service, room hire for community groups & agencies.
How We Help
Information & Referral
The Griffith Community Centre provides quick and easy access to information, including web-based information, about local services and resources to individuals and community groups. We assist individuals to build connections with appropriate services, community supports and informal social networks and increase their safety and resilience by allowing them to address issues in the early stages.
We connect the service system by participating in partnerships and networks to facilitate better coordination of community services. We do this by making active referrals to and accepting them from the local network of services and participating in planning to enhance the coordination and delivery of local community services.
Emergency Assistance
The Griffith Community Centre can provide emergency food parcels to those in need on an individual basis, (dependent on availability), and assistance to those experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness on an individual basis. Please visit the GCC at 80 Benerembah St, Griffith, or call us on (02) 6962 4144 to see if we can help you. We may have food parcels, care packs and street swags (all depending on availability). We have extensive information on other service providers who may be able to help you if you are experiencing hardship.
Griffith Carevan
The Griffith Carevan is a mobile food van, which is the result from a need in our community to assist local individuals and families who are struggling or facing hardship. In the fight against poverty, hunger and homelessness, the Griffith Carevan work with groups representing all children, women, men, youth, people with disabilities, Indigenous and multicultural groups.
Volunteers run the carevan one night a week at two locations; Thomas Place, Dave Taylor Park and Parkinson Cr, Griffith NSW. Griffith Carevan is free and accessible to all. A hot meal, activities, reading for the children and additional support is provided in a non-judgemental manner. Anyone is welcome to share a meal at Griffith Carevan.
Migrant Assistance
Our assistant and support worker for migrants offers support to migrants, refugees and the general community. Support consists of help with visa applications, citizenship forms, e-mailing or faxing documents. This support is available Tuesdays and Fridays between 10 am and 2 pm. The service is free of charge. To book an appointment call: 02 6962 4144.
Griffith Interagency
The Griffith Interagency is an opportunity for services to network, connect and share information on the 4th Wednesday of every month.
This is an excellent support avenue for your organisation to circulate information, brochures, upcoming events, workshops, or inform the group about a new program or staff member. Our aim is to keep the meetings short, informative and enjoyable for all who attend. Meetings usually last for one hour. You are welcome to put items on the agenda or book time in for a guest speaker.
We meet at various locations every month. To be included on the interagency network mailing list please contact the Coordinator.
*Please note that the Interagency Network is for not for profit organisations only. Presentations cannot be of a commercial or lead generation nature.
Meeting Room HIre
Our centre has two communal facilities for hire for activities such as meetings, counselling, training sessions, workshops, private activities or information sessions. To view these facilities please visit the centre during business hours. All bookings are to be paid for in advance along with a $50 security bond.
Waide Room
This room accommodates 20 people comfortably in a conference room setting.
Resources Available:
- TV, DVD, white board, data projector and projection screen.
- Photocopier and fax available for a small fee.
- Kitchen facilities where you can make tea/coffee and prepare refreshments, and a barbecue area with tables and chairs.
- Reverse cycle air-conditioning.
Cubby House
This facility accommodates 15 - 20 people comfortably in a large open space.
Resources Available:
- Kitchen facilities where you can make tea/coffee and prepare refreshments.
- A child safe, fenced-off outdoor area.
- Reverse cycle air-conditioning.